Part 1. Installing extensions

In this part, you’re going to install four extensions,

  1. Remote - SSH — this lets you connect to remote servers using Secure SHell (SSH);
  2. ShellCheck — this checks your shell scripts for common errors;
  3. rust-analyzer — this greatly eases the task of programming in Rust; and
  4. CodeLLDB — this is the debugger we’ll use to debug Rust programs.

Your task

Click on the 4-boxes icon on the left side of the Visual Studio Code window. This opens the Extensions Marketplace. In the textbox at the top left, enter the name of the extension you want to install. Click on the matching extension below the text box and then click the Install button.

After installing an extension, it may ask you to reload Visual Studio Code. Go ahead and do so.

Install all four extensions listed above.