Part 4. Getting Ready For Class

In this course, we will use a number of different online resources. In this part of the lab, we will make sure you are set up and ready to go.


Go to and log in using your email account. (You may need to create an account.) When you log in, you should see CSCI 241 listed under Your Courses. If you click on the course, you should see some Reading Question assignments. You will need to complete these before class on the date listed on them.

If you do not see CSCI 241 listed as one of your courses, let your instructor know.


You should have received an email inviting you to the CSCI 241 Ed forum. If you did not, you can sign up with your email address using this link. Sign up, and post a response to the Introductory Thread.


Please take a minute to read through the syllabus for this course (linked from Blackboard).