Part 3. Handling signals (30 points)

When the user types a Ctrl-C, the kernel sends a signal to every process in the foreground process group of the controlling terminal (review this info box for details on process groups and controlling terminals). By default, this signal—its name is SIGINT and it is the interrupt signal—causes the process that receives it to terminate.

There are other signals that can be sent in response keys being pressed. SIGINT is by far the most common signal sent by a key press, but Ctrl-\ sends SIGQUIT, the quit signal. (Go ahead, try running a program like $ sleep 10 that is long running and kill it by typing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-\.) Note this is different from Ctrl-D which closes stdin but doesn’t terminate processes.

A process can choose to handle a signal by registering a signal handler function which will be called in the event of a signal. Or, a process can choose to ignore a signal if it doesn’t want the default action—often termination—to occur.

Shells need to deal with SIGINT and SIGQUIT to avoid being terminated. When Bash receives a SIGINT, it stops reading its current line of input, prints a newline and a prompt and waits for the next line of input. When Bash receives a SIGQUIT, it ignores it.

A process can choose to handle or ignore a signal using the sigaction(2) system call (by calling the libc wrapper function as usual). The first argument is the signal number. The second argument is a pointer to a sigaction structure (yes, the struct and the function have the same name) that controls the action that should be taken when that signal is received. The third argument is a pointer to a sigaction struct that will be filled out by sigaction() with the previous action.

These are the Rust definitions for the libc::sigaction() function and the libc::sigaction.

To ignore a particular signal, you create a libc::sigaction struct with its sa_sigaction field set to libc::SIG_IGN and pass it to libc::sigaction().


When this example program is run, SIGINT is ignored and then the process goes to sleep for 10 seconds. During this time, pressing Ctrl-C has no effect.

use std::io;

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    unsafe {
        let action = libc::sigaction {
            sa_sigaction: libc::SIG_IGN,

        if libc::sigaction(libc::SIGINT, &action, std::ptr::null_mut()) < 0 {
            return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());


One thing to notice is that action was constructed using .. to fill the rest of the fields other than sa_action. See the Book for details about ... This is because different OSes use different structures with different members. We only need to use the sa_sigaction field which appears in all of the different sigaction structs. Essentially, doing it this way makes the code slightly more portable. For example, it works on both macOS and Linux.

The std::mem::zeroed() is creating a libc::sigaction struct where all of the fields have been set to 0. In general, doing this is unsafe, hence the reason it is in the unsafe block. It’s safe in this particular case because all of the fields may be safely set to 0.

To install a signal handler, you set the sa_sigaction field to the address of a function.

When a signal is received for which a signal handler has been registered, the kernel will run the handler. But the question is when does it run it? The answer is it’s a little unpredictable. It will be run the next time the kernel returns control to the process. This can happen as the result of returning from a system call or simply because the kernel has scheduled the process as the next process to run.

Since signal handler functions can be run at any time, the actions a signal handler can take are extremely limited. There are a very small number of functions that are safe to be called from a signal handler. In particular, a signal handler is not allowed to allocate memory or use perform I/O using things like println!(). Instead, about all a signal handler should do is set a flag which is checked outside the signal handler to see if the signal occurred.

Setting the flag and checking if the flag has been set must happen atomically, meaning without being interrupted. You will be unsurprised to learn that Rust has great support for atomic variables. For the flag, you want to use an AtomicBool. This will have values true or false, but we assign values to them using the .store() method and load values using the .load() methods. The .swap() method is used to atomically load the old value and assign a new value.


This example shows how to register a signal handler for SIGINT.

use std::io;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};

static INTERRUPTED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);

extern "C" fn handler(_sig: libc::c_int) {, Ordering::Relaxed);

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    unsafe {
        let action = libc::sigaction {
            sa_sigaction: handler as libc::sighandler_t,

        if libc::sigaction(libc::SIGINT, &action, std::ptr::null_mut()) < 0 {
            return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());


    if INTERRUPTED.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
        println!("Received a SIGINT");

Some key points to notice: The handler function is declared as extern "C" because the handler function is expected to be a C function. INTERRUPTED is our first example of a global variable in Rust. The handler function is incredibly simple: All it does is set a flag.

If you run the code in that example and press Ctrl-C during the sleep, you’ll notice something disconcerting: The process sleeps for the full 10 seconds and then afterward it prints out Received a SIGINT. The whole point of the interrupt signal is to interrupt a process so what is going on here?

Some system calls are allowed to be interrupted by signals. When this happens, the C wrapper around the underlying system call sets the thread-local variable errno to EINTR and returns -1. If you examine the source code for the sleep() function, you’ll see it calls the underlying libc::nanosleep() function in a loop if it is awakened by a signal. (Note the if on line 242 checking if the return value of libc::nanosleep() is -1 and then asserting that the value of os::errno() is libc::EINTR.)

If we replace the call to sleep() with a call to libc::nanosleep(), we can see the difference.


In this example, the call to nanosleep() is explicit and since it is not called in a loop, interrupting via SIGINT works as expected.

use std::io;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};

static INTERRUPTED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);

extern "C" fn handler(_sig: libc::c_int) {, Ordering::Relaxed);

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    unsafe {
        let action = libc::sigaction {
            sa_sigaction: handler as libc::sighandler_t,

        if libc::sigaction(libc::SIGINT, &action, std::ptr::null_mut()) < 0 {
            return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());

    let ts = libc::timespec {
        tv_sec: 10,
        tv_nsec: 0,
    if unsafe { libc::nanosleep(&ts, std::ptr::null_mut()) } < 0 {
        let err = io::Error::last_os_error();
        if err.kind() != io::ErrorKind::Interrupted {
            return Err(err);

    if INTERRUPTED.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
        println!("Received a SIGINT");

Note how a io::Error is constructed from errno by calling io::Error::last_os_error() and then returned if it isn’t io::ErrorKind::Interrupted.

Many Rust standard library functions, such as the read_line() method, will perform this same thing where if a signal interrupts a system call, the standard library function will make the call again. Usually, that’s the behavior you want. For a shell, it isn’t. And when it isn’t, you have to implement the functionality you want which sometimes means calling the underlying libc functions.

Your task

Osh should work slightly differently than Bash. In particular, if Osh receives either a SIGINT or SIGQUIT signal, it should ignore the current line of input that is being typed, print a newline, and then prompt for the next line of input.

Run cargo add libc to add the libc crate. Then, create a new module named signals. Inside it write a function install_signal_handlers() -> io::Result<()> that sets the signal handler for both signals to call a function named handler. Note that you can register the same handler for multiple signals. Make sure any errors from libc::sigaction() are returned.

Write the handler function

extern "C" fn handler(_sig: libc::c_int) {

that stores true in an AtomicBool following the examples above.

Write a was_interrupted() -> bool function that atomically loads the value of the AtomicBool and stores false. Use the .swap() method for this purpose. Return the loaded value. In this way, was_interrupted() returns true if a SIGINT or a SIGQUIT was received since the last time was_interrupted() was called.

Add a call to install_signal_handlers() to the beginning of main().


As mentioned above, the .read_line() method explicitly ignores interrupts from receiving a signal. Since Osh needs a way to read a line of input from stdin but also return immediately when a SIGINT or SIGQUIT is received, you cannot use the standard library methods.

Fortunately, it’s easy to look at the Rust source code and modify it to suit your needs. So I did. Here’s a function you can use which reads from stdin and returns a io::Result<String>.

fn main() {
/// This is similar to std::io::stdin().read_line() except that
/// being interrupted by a signal returns an Err(err).
/// This implementation comes from modifying
fn read_line() -> std::io::Result<String> {
    use std::io::BufRead;
    let mut stdin = std::io::stdin().lock();
    let mut buf = Vec::new();

    loop {
        let (done, used) = {
            let available = stdin.fill_buf()?;
            match available.iter().position(|&b| b == b'\n') {
                Some(i) => {
                    (true, i + 1)
                None => {
                    (false, available.len())
        if done || used == 0 {
            let s = String::from_utf8(buf)
                .map_err(|err| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, err))?;
            return Ok(s);

The key point is that if stdin.fill_buf() returns an error because it was interrupted by a signal, then read_line() will return that error. You can check if the returned error was due to being interrupted by a signal by using err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::Interrupted.

You will need to refactor your run function. Move your code that prints a prompt and reads from stdin into a loop that calls signals::was_interrupted() and if a signal has been received prints a newline. Then print the prompt and call that read_line() function. If read_line() returns an error and the error’s kind is Interrupted, then continue the loop. If it returns some other error, return it. Otherwise break out of the loop and process the line as before.

Here’s some sample output.

$ cargo run --quiet
Welcome to the Oberlin Shell!
$ this line is interrupted^C
$ this one is quit^\
$ echo this one is not
this one is not
$ sleep 10

If your shell can now handle redirections and signals, you’re done! Congratulations, this was a lot of work.